The Pali term bhavana-maya panna means experiential wisdom.
The SiteWhat to expect when you arrive at the centre |
Dhamma Sukhakāri, the UK’s second ten-day centre, is based at Walnut Tree Manor, set in ten acres of land on the edge of Haughley Green in the Suffolk countryside, a few miles from Stowmarket railway station.
Walnut Tree Manor is an old farmhouse dating back to the seventeenth century. Over time, the site has seen some major modifications and additions, reflecting the changing needs of the families and businesses that have resided here. Its more famous occupants include Lady Eve Balfour, who pioneered organic farming at the site, and the Soil Association, which used it as their headquarters and continued her work. In 1985, Walnut Tree Manor became the home of Hillcroft Preparatory School and in 2006, an activity centre for children.
The current site comprises: the Manor House (a listed building, seventeenth–nineteenth century) and the connected Coach House (twentieth century), a large accommodation block, a kitchen, dining rooms, a meditation hall (former sports hall) and various outbuildings (old classrooms) including office and storage space. The buildings are surrounded by fields and woodlands.
The centre offers ten-day courses for new and old students as well as three-day courses for old students.
The centre is set in 10 acres of land on the edge of Haughley Green in Suffolk, surrounded by fields and woodlands. Walnut Tree Manor is an old farmhouse dating back to the seventeenth century.
The former sports hall has been converted into a large and spacious meditation hall in which students can sit and meditate together.
Students and servers sleep in simple but comfortable dormitory accommodation in male and female blocks.
Students share recently refurbished bathroom facilities.
The new site is slowly being transformed to provide woodland walking areas for the students.